Disk pakne Brake Pads - Organic - for Hayes HFX-MAG / HFX-9 / Promax

Kočione pločice Reverse Components savršeno su prilagođene svim biciklistima od Tour / XC do Downhilla! Reverse Organic kočione obloge razvijaju punu snagu već u hladnom stanju. U ekstremnom području pri visokim temperaturama uz konstantno opterećenje, trošenje je nešto veće.Compatible with HFX-MAG, HFX-9 & Promax disc brakes.
11,95 €
Reverse Components brake pads are perfectly suited for all biker from Tour / XC to Downhill! The Reverse Organic brake lining unfolds the full force already in the cold state. In extreme range at high temperatures with constant load, the wear is slightly higher.

Compatible with HFX-MAG, HFX-9 & Promax disc brakes.


  • Long life span
  • Very good braking performance in cold, dry or wet conditions
  • Optimal braking and long life in the mid-temperature range
  • Low noise
  • Asbestos free

Included in delivery: 1 pair
Manufacturer item code: 01857
Material: back plate: steel | pad: organic
Weight supplement: per pair | manufacturer information
  • Brza dostava od vrata do vrata
  • Besplatna dostava iznad 40,00 €